Determining Mediating Effects of Student Attitude and Satisfaction on Reenrollment Behavior in Malaysia Higher Education Institutions: Nigerian Students Experience
Ndanusa, Mohammed Manzuma-Ndaaba, Yoshifumi Harada, AliyuOlayemi Abdullateef

The wind of globalization has swept across all sectors of human endeavors in the knowledge driven economy propelled by information and communication technology. Internationalization of education is no doubt the greatest challenge for universities/colleges as a result of international student’s mobility across the globe. International education business is a fortune capable of moving the entire economy of a destination country, thus emerging market is in the Asia and the Pacific where source countries are turning to host countries. A typical example is Malaysia who hitherto feed many western countries like UK, US and Australia and today playing host to substantial number of students from the Arabian Gulf (Middle East) and Africa. Loyalty has been identified as a strategic market plan; Malaysia will never wish to loss her customer (Students) in the international education market, especially key source countries like Nigeria. This study aimed at focusing the service quality attributes that arouse Nigerian students’ attitude and satisfaction to keep faith with Malaysia Higher Education Institutions by spreading positive words of mouth and re-enrolling for further studies. The study has practical implication for university management and Government of Malaysia to identify their customer’s need in order to serve them better thereby achieving the goal of becoming Centre for education excellence in the sub-region.

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