The Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Innovation in Electronic Industry of Iran
Mahmood Zohoori, Shahriar Mohseni, Behrang Samadi, Omid Attarnezhad
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 1(1), pp. 26-33.

In relation to innovation’s crucial role in the improvement of economic growth, this quantitative survey attempts to underline the significance of two knowledge sharing types; which are tacit and explicit, in the increasingly innovative (with regards to the speed and quality of innovation) in Iran’s electronic industry. For this objective, 224 data were collected from six subsidiaries of IEI (Iran Electronics Industry) and was submitted to multiple regression analysis the results of which indicates that explicit knowledge sharing as well as tacit knowledge sharing have notably significant effects on the speed and quality of innovation.

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Zohoori, Mahmood et al. (2013). The Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Innovation in Electronic Industry of Iran. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 1(1), pp. 26-33.

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Mahmood Zohoori
Master of environmental technology management
Faculty of Engineering

Shahriar Mohseni
DBA student
Faculty of Management

Behrang Samadi
Faculty of Business
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (A.P.U)
Bukit Jalil

Omid Attarnezhad MBA, IBS.
University Technology Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Selangor