Development of Kinship Scale: Sample of Health Personnel
Ramazan Erdem, Şebnem Aslan, Belma Keklik
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 1(1), pp. 01-16.

In this study it is aimed to form a kinship scale in Turkish culture. Kinship scale is developed by consulting to authorities-specialists in the field. Pilot study is applied to homogenous 50 people. Then the research is conducted in Elazığ-Turkey with 397 health personnell working in 2 different hospitals. The scale is tested according to reliability (item reliability and construct reliability) and validity (convergent validity and discriminant validity). In the study, convergent validity is tested by analysing correlation with resemble scales. For this purpose, correlation between kinship scale and 3 scales with resemble concepts(societal culture-collectivism, loneliness and life satisfaction) is analysed. As a result it is found that there is positive and significant correlation between kinship and lifesatisfaction and collectivism; on the other hand there is significant negative correlation between kinship and loneliness. At the end of the study a reliable and valid kinship scale is developed with 2 dimensions including 9 questions in each.

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Erdem, Ramazan., Aslan, Sebnem., & Keklik, Belma. (2013). Development of Kinship Scale: Sample of Health Personnel. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 1(1), pp. 01-16.

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Ramazan Erdem graduated from School of Health Administration of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey in 1994 and completed his MSc (1997) and obtained his doctorate (2003) at the same university. His PhD thesis was on impact of societal culture on corporate culture of hospitals. In 2009, he was appointed as associate professor in the field of management and organization. From 1999 to 2009, he worked at Firat University, Turkey. He is working atthe SuleymanDemirel University in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science and he is head of the department of HealthCare Management. His main research interests are health management, cross-cultural management, east and Turkish management styles and informal management.

Şebnem Aslan is AssociateProfessor of HealthCare Administration at SelcukUniversity in Konya, Turkey. Dr. Aslan has gratuatedfromFaculty of Economicsand Administration Sciences in 1995, she had completedmaster program ofthedepartment of Economics in 1999 and in 2003 had a doctarialdegree in thedepartment of business. Her thesissubjectscould be classified as TurkeyEconomicsandorganizationalconflict in healthcareinstitutions. Her majorfield is Management andOrganization. Shegivesmanylectures in bachelor, masteranddoctoraprograms, such as Management, Business, OrganizationalBehavior, FamilyProblems, StatisticsandScientificalResearchMethods, Leadership.

Prof. Aslan, who has 10 studies in internationaljournalsand 23 internationalproceedings, alsomorethan 50 nationalproceedings in thefield of Management andOrganization, has fivebooks in thefield of EmotionalIntelligenceandleadership, OrganizationalCommunication, OrganizationalStress Management andEmotionalLabor. Besides, she has an internationalbookchapteraboutdecisionmakingandnationalbookchaptersaboutleadershipandbehavior, thatare in theprocess of publication.

She, as an expertise of thefield, is in editorial board in manyinternationaljournalslike, “InternaitonalJournal of Human Resources”, “International Journal of Conflict Management”, “AfricanJournal of Management”, “TheJournal of AcademicSocialScienceStudies” and “ContemporaryJournal of International Health Management”.

Prof. Aslan is alsoVicePresident of HealthCare Administration at SelcukUniversity. Shealso, arrangesmanydifferentconferencesforthestudents of HealthCare Administration and in ordertoprovidenationalintegrationandinformantionsharingbetter of thefield.

Belma Keklik is an Assistant Professor of Health Care Administration at Suleyman Demirel University in Isparta, Turkey. Dr. Keklik works for 10 years at the same university.

Dr. Keklik holds the M.B.A. (2004) in Business Administration, Suleyman Demirel University and the Ph.D. (2008) in Business Administration at Suleyman Demirel University. Dr. Keklik gained bachelor degree from Istanbul University, Faculty of Business Administration in English, she was honor student graduated in first five students.

Dr. Keklik’s Ph.D. subject was in Human Resource Management. Her thesis was “Effectiveness of Techniques Used to Employ Human Resources:A Research in SME’s and Model Proposal”(2007).

Her major field is Management and Organization. She gives lectures on Management, Health Care Management, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Behavioral Sciences.

Dr. Keklik participated in various national and international conferences. She has 15 international proceedings and 10 national proceedings. Dr. Keklik has 14 journal articles, 5chapters in various academic books.

Dr. Keklik is also Vice President of Health Care Management Department and also member of board of directors of Economics and Administrative Sciences Facultyat Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta.